A pharmacist at Allestree Pharmacy has revealed how her responsibilities have increased as a result of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
Sairah, along with her colleagues Saeed and Helen, run Allestree’s vaccination centre by themselves. Naturally, this is a strenuous task and this year has been incredibly busy for them all.
The work done by community pharmacies is vital in ensuring vaccination efforts are as widespread as possible, even if this entails a relatively small number of staff running things.
Her responsibilities include keeping the booking calendar open to ensure as many people are vaccinated as possible, liaising all information with NHS England, ensuring vaccine supply does not run out, and arranging staffing & volunteers to help run the whole show.
On top of this, she frequently offers up her evenings and weekends to ensure the vaccination centre continues to run smoothly. This is not easy for a wife and mother with two kids at home. Like so many healthcare workers across the country, she has made major sacrifices in order to provide a vital service to the local community.
But to Sairah, this is all in a day’s work: “It’s a great feeling to know that we are part of the bigger picture in helping roll out the vaccinations and help pave the way back to some degree of normality. Yes, it has been very hard work, without a doubt, but it’s certainly worth it.”
The pandemic has truly highlighted the unparalleled efforts healthcare workers go through to protect us. Amid the anxiety and worry, it is easy to forget the genuine hard work and passion that goes into making vaccination centres function. This is why it is so vital to tell stories of tireless healthcare workers like Sairah who hold everything together in times of crisis.