What is the needle and syringe exchange service?
The needle and syringe exchange service is a free, impartial and confidential service provided to those who regularly inject drugs. Exchanging used needles and syringes reduces your chances of contracting deadly viruses and diseases.
This scheme is important as it helps those who use injectable drugs to stay as safe as possible.
What does the service provide?
Under the service, those willing to take the first step will be provided with free access to new, sterilised needle and syringe packets. Users can also dispose of their used needles and syringes to the pharmacy in a hygienic and safe manner.
What diseases are commonly found in used needles and syringes?
Most diseases and injections caught from needles and syringes are bloodborne. They are contracted by the blood to blood contact you’d expect from the instruments being shared.
Common diseases that can be contracted are:
- Hepatitis B (HBV)
- Hepatitis C (HCV)
- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
What we will do to help
At Imaan Healthcare, we have a duty of care to our patients who have a drug addiction and want to stay safe. We will help you to dispose of any dangerous needles and syringes and provide you with new and sterile equipment. We will discuss your issues in an impartial and private manner and offer our full support if you choose to go ahead with further action to stop your usage.
We won’t tell anyone else that you have used our needle and syringe exchange service. Anything you tell us is completely confidential and we don’t share any information (Unless we have serious concerns about your safety or the safety of someone else)