The amount of care needed to help keep a vulnerable or elderly person supported may grow beyond what is capable of an untrained helper. If you and your family don’t like the idea of a family member being put in a residential home or a care home – which can be expensive and put a massive strain on the individual’s happiness – then a popular option to keep your family member close with some form of independence is through domiciliary support.
What is the Domiciliary support service?
The domiciliary support service is tailored for an individual to stay at home for the duration of their care and medical treatment. The service offers the person additional support in order to maintain this independence and quality of life – personalised care, home maintenance and general health improvement. This service offers personal freedoms that are not usually possible at a care home or other form of residential home.
What is included in the domiciliary support service?
The domiciliary support service offers a host of support options and services that can be tailored to the individual depending on their health situation and mobility. This can include:
- Showering and bathing
- Continence support
- Washing clothes and other items
- Getting dressed
- General maintenance – nail trimming, shaving and haircutting.
- Help with getting out of the house and travelling
- Food purchasing and meal preparation
- Support with catheters and stoma bags
- Managing medication
- Countering loneliness by having someone to talk to, having a physical presence in the house
How our Domiciliary support service can help you:
As the demand for quality and consistent care increases, families are looking for the best form of support for their family members. We provide personalised support for those who are living by themselves, who need additional support from healthcare professionals and other staff. Support can begin at any age and with any condition.