Hands clutching x-ray spine

Pain Management

Pain Management

If you’ve injured yourself while undertaking a physical activity or have a previously diagnosed chronic condition that is managed with pain killers, our pharmacies offer a host of pain care options to help you find the right treatment to manage your pain.

What treatment can I expect to receive?

We only offer the best possible advice and treatment available to us, that’s why your treatment is always tailored to your needs. Our pain management service covers a range of conditions, so make sure to visit us for more information or get in contact with us online.
Our highly-trained clinicians are here to help you to manage your chronic pain, as well as to provide support for those who have experienced an injury at work or during an activity. Our team of clinicians will assess your condition through a series of questions relating to your daily activities, work, general well being and medical history. A physical examination may be carried out if a clinician feels it is vital to assess your condition further.
Future appointments might be required to further review your condition or to see how you have been responding to the treatment we provide.

As part of the pain management service, our expert clinicians offer:

  • Detailed assessments of your medical history
  • Physical examination
  • Prescribed medication
  • Self-management tips and advice
  • Exercise plans
  • Physical and behavioural therapy