At our local pharmacies and official travel website, we are focused on protecting you from all manner of illnesses and diseases; this is no different when you’re travelling abroad. We will offer you advice and provide you with effective vaccination courses where appropriate, making sure you are ready to travel.
Why travel vaccinations are important:
Whether you’re travelling for business, for a holiday or for relief work – being vaccinated against deadly infections is vital to keep yourself safe. Travelling to new and exotic nations makes you more susceptible to a wide range of dangerous diseases that the NHS doesn’t vaccinate against.
Some factors that can affect the number of vaccinations you need are:
- Your age and health
Depending on your age, you may be more vulnerable to viruses. Children and the elderly may be more vulnerable. If you have recently had treatment for a medical condition or have a weakened immune system, some vaccines may be combined with other medication or not provided at all.
- Contact with animals
Animals native to most countries, for example, bats and wild dogs may carry harmful diseases, notably rabies. If your trip involves animal interaction or trips into the wilderness, then this should be communicated with our specialists so the best possible vaccination course can be offered to you.
Exposure to disease can occur anywhere in the world and at any time. Keep safe and get vaccinated.
Diseases and infections that are commonly vaccinated against:
When travelling abroad, your destination matters. Countries within certain continents like North America, Australia and Europe require little or no vaccines before travel; while many countries within Asia, Africa and South America require more extensive coverage to ensure safety. Some diseases and infection are important to be vaccinated against, including:
- Yellow fever
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Typhoid
- Rabies
- Cholera
- Japanese Encephalitis
- Diphtheria/Tetanus/Polio
- Meningitis
- Malaria prophylaxis
Certain locations that require proof of immunisation. If this is the case for your destination, then certification will be provided for you.
No matter your destination, if you think you might need a vaccination for your trip, we can assist you with advice and appropriate vaccinations. Our professional team of experts will help you understand how to keep yourself safe from the risk of disease while abroad and offer you expert advice on which vaccinations you may want to consider before setting off. Visit TravelClinicNearMe for more information.