NOTE: This press release was published in May 2021. As such, some information may be outdated. For current information on our vaccination centres, please click here.
Brunshaw Pharmacy has recently passed a significant milestone in its Covid-19 vaccination program.
The number of people vaccinated by the centre has surpassed 5,000. This is a solid figure for a community pharmacy-led site to achieve.
Brunshaw’s vaccination centre is managed by a small number of staff at Jinnah Centre. Staff at community pharmacies take on a significant workload, even sacrificing evenings and weekends, but this work is necessary in ensuring as many people are vaccinated as possible.
It is tough work, but without the efforts of community pharmacies and their staff, the nationwide vaccination programme would be far less widespread. With these sacrifices, residents of Burnley and its surrounding areas have greater access to the life-saving Covid-19 vaccine.
Brunshaw’s Pharmacy Manager Nurul Islam said: “I’d like to thank everyone who volunteered and supported the vaccination clinic – it was a real team effort and great success. All our appointment slots were filled quickly and the response from the people attending was very humbling.”
The role of a widespread vaccination programme in Burnley becomes increasingly important as it is one of the boroughs worst hit by the new Covid variant. Residents are urged not to meet others indoors or to travel outside of affected areas. Cases are concentrated among younger people, so they are urged to accept the vaccine when it is offered to them.
Residents are encouraged to wait until the NHS contacts them about arranging an appointment, as those in high-risk groups are being prioritised. Those eligible must book an appointment through the national booking service, or by calling 119.